Monday, September 14, 2015


Since young I was always being called "Fatty" in class, my heaviest was at 70kg when I was 12 years old. I've always cared very much of what other people think of me...but I was too scared to lose my I "tolerate", convincing myself that they are only just kidding when they called me "fatty", never knowing how deep it influenced me in my confidence level...

I spent my whole 12 years of primary and secondary school life feeling stressed and sad everyday as I didn't have time for myself, since even lunch break I needed to help classmates do homework, buy food, run errands etc. I do not mind helping if they appreciated my efforts...the main reason I started to slim down was actually because I didn't have time to eat during break time...thus causing me to suffer from Low Blood and Gastric till now...

I have always blamed my schoolmates for giving me such a bad experience in school life, but then I realized it was also my fault as I was the one who chose to do all those things. After I left secondary, I decided to Transform myself, inner and outer. I wasn't going to let other people affect what I love to do - Beauty.

Now I treat all my past experiences as a good example to give to other people who are facing the same situation. CHANGE is the key to transform your life, CHANGE instead of BLAME. When you realize your value, people will respect you for your value as well!

自小我就被班上的同学叫“肥婆”,我最重的时候是1270kg, 我一直很在乎别人对我的看法,可是我太害怕失去我的朋友,所以我选择了“忍”。也没有想到这些对我的自信心造成多么深的阴影。


我之前一直埋怨同学在我的小学中学生涯对我造成那么不愉快的回忆,但之后发觉到其实这一切都是自己一厢情愿的。离开中学之后,我决定改变自己,内在与外在。我不会再被别人的眼光及言语影响我爱做的事 - 美。

过去的不好回忆我会把它当成是很好的例子,激发更多与我一样状况的人。 蛻变是改变人生的关键。改变,不是埋怨。当你发觉自己的价值,别人也会看到你的价值!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Revamping my blog

Its been more than a year since I last posted in my blog, and many things have changed since then.
I finally completed my Image Design & Management course, and I have been working as Assistant Image Consultant/Admin for a year.

My mission is to Inspire more people to Love themselves, have Peace in what they think, and have Passion to pursue their dreams!

I've decided to share my knowledge in Image, Colors, and Beauty at my blog!
In the future I'll be sharing on some tips, experiences, as well as my hauls!
So please STAY TUNED!